parentasserts if account is defined.
a: AccountStoreIaccount
line: numberline number in TEAL file Note: if user is accessing this function directly through runtime, the line number is unknown
asserts if account address is defined
account address
line: numberline number in TEAL file Note: if user is accessing this function directly through runtime, the line number is unknown
asserts if application exists in state
application index
app: SSCAttributesMapplication
line: numberline number in TEAL file Note: if user is accessing this function directly through runtime, the line number is unknown
asserts if asset exists in state
asset index
assetDef: AssetParamsasset definitions
line: numberline number Note: if user is accessing this function directly through runtime, the line number is unknown
Creates a new account with logic signature and smart contract arguments in the runtime store. The arguments are used when we send a transaction with this account and verify it.
logic signature with arguments.
TEAL code
arguments passed
Creates new transaction object (tx, gtxs) from given txnParams and signes it
: Transaction parameters for current txn or txn Group @returns: [current SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction group]
Getter for _defaultAccounts, returns a synced version of the accounts list
list of AccountStore
Deploy Asset in Runtime using asa.yaml
ASA name
ASA Deployment Flags
Deploy Asset in Runtime without using asa.yaml
ASA name
clawback?: stringOptional
freeze?: stringOptional
manager?: stringOptional
name?: stringOptional
note?: stringOptional
noteb64?: stringOptional
reserve?: stringOptional
url?: stringASA Deployment Flags
deploy a new application and returns application id
app definition
Transaction parameters
scTmplParams: SCParamsSmart Contract template parameters
debugStack: numberThis function executes a transaction based on a smart contract logic and updates state afterwards Check out https://algobuilder.dev/guide/execute-transaction.html#execute-transaction|execute-transaction for more info.
: Transaction parameters
debugStack: numberTransfers amount
of microAlgos from from
address to to
From account
to address
amount of algo in microalgos
Fetches account from this.store
account address
Fetches app from this.store
Application Index
Queries app id by app name from global state. Returns undefined if app is not found. https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/180142720
Returns asset creator account or throws error is it doesn't exist
Returns Asset Holding from an account
Asset Index
address of account to get holding from
Fetches local state for account address and application index
application index
address for which local state needs to be retrieved
Setup initial accounts as {address: SDKAccount}. This should be called only when initializing Runtime.
Loads logic signature for contract mode, creates a new runtime account associated with lsig
loaded logic signature from assets/
ASC filename
scTmplParams: SCParamsonly show logs on console when set as true. By default this value is true
Creates an algosdk.Transaction object based on execParams and suggestedParams and signs it using provided signer account
array of algosdk.SignedTransaction objects
execParams containing all txn info
suggestedParams object
account object that signes the transaction
Creates an algosdk.Transaction object based on execParams and suggestedParams
array of algosdk.Transaction objects
execParams containing all txn info
suggestedParams object
Creates new asset creation transaction object.
: asset name
Account address opt-in for application Id
Account address
Application Id
Stateful smart contract transaction optional parameters (accounts, args..)
Transaction Parameters
debugStack: numberThis function executes TEAL code line by line
: teal code as string
: execution Mode (Stateless or Stateful)
debugStack: numberSends signedTransaction and waits for the response
TxnReceipt which includes confirmed txn response along with txID
array of signedTransaction objects.
Update application
application Name. Note in runtime application name just placeholder params
sender address
application Id
new application source code
Transaction parameters
Stateful smart contract transaction optional parameters (accounts, args..)
scTmplParams: SCParamsOptional
debugStack: numberValidate signature for Algorand account on transaction params. Include check spending account when creating a transaction from Algorand account Throw RuntimeError if signature is invalid.
transaction parameters.
Validate signature for Algorand account on transaction params. Include check spending account when creating a transaction from Algorand account Throw RuntimeError if signature is invalid.
signedTransaction object.
Generated using TypeDoc
Returns a list of initialized default accounts created using static accountSDK from account.ts and funded with default balance (100 ALGO)
list of AccountStore