Decentralized Application Templates

The templates can be found here and are extremely helpful and easy to use. They are designed and implemented in such a way that they can provide the aspiring developers a headstart in building dApps based on Algorand Blockchain. The templates heavily use algosdk, algo-builder and AlgoSigner.

Template Structure

An algob project and an react frontend are encapsulated in each template. Deployment information is stored in checkpoints (in /artifacts) from which user can import information directly (loading .yaml file in react-app).

The templates can be easily imported or unboxed using the algob unbox-template command.

After successfully unboxing the template, please link the algob package in the template directory to use it for running scripts.


The first step is to link algob package in the global bin. The documentation for the same can be found here.

algob unbox-template <template-name> <destination-directory> --force (flag)

  • if destination-directory is not passed then current directory will be used.
  • if template-name is not passed, then by default template “/default” is unboxed.
  • if --force is passed, then files are overwritten. If it isn’t passed, then user is made to choose whether to overwrite those files or not.
  • if template-name passed is not present as an existing template, the command provides an interactive way to choose from the existing templates.
  • The command also asks if the user wants to install the dependencies as a part of the current process.

Examples :

algob unbox-template default ./temp

This command unboxes “default” template to cwd/temp.

algob unbox-template default

This command unboxes “default” template to cwd as no destination param is passed.

algob unbox-template xyz ./temp

Since there is no “xyz” template, so the user is made to choose an option from the existing templates, and then the selected template is unboxed in the cwd/temp directory.

algob unbox-template default ./temp --force

This command unboxes “default” template to cwd/temp and overwrites any pre-existing files.