Algo Builder docsPermalink

For more in-depth description you can look at the project specification.


  • Node 14+
  • Connection to an Algorand node. Follow our infrastructure guide for instructions how to setup a private network (using Algorand node binaries or docker based setup). NOTE: TEAL compilation requires Developer API to be enabled ("EnableDeveloperAPI": true in the node config.json).
  • Python >= 3.10 (for PyTeal) with pyteal. Please read below how to install it. We recommend to use pipenv with our Pipfile to stay always up to date.
  • Yarn v3.1+ or NPM v8.0+ or PNPM v6.21+ (note: all our examples use yarn v3 workspaces).

Algorand Node requirementsPermalink

If you want to use private network then you need to install go-algorand (algod v3.2.0 or higher) or the Algorand Sandbox.

Make sure that the node you are connecting to has a "EnableDeveloperAPI": true option set in the <node_data>/config.json. This is required to compile smart contracts using REST / SDK.

Follow our infrastructure guide for more details.

Connecting to an external Algorand NodePermalink

Instead of using a local node, you can connect to an external one by setting the network configuration in the algob.config.js file. More about the project setup and config file is described in the Quick Start section below.


algob supports smart contracts written in PyTeal. To use them, you have to have pyteal package available in your Python context.

Using PipenvPermalink

We recommend to use pipenv and use virtual environments. Pipenv is a packaging tool for Python that solves some common problems associated with the typical workflow using pip, virtualenv, and the good old requirements.txt. In addition to addressing some common issues, it consolidates and simplifies the development process to a single command line tool. It automatically creates and manages a virtualenv for your projects, as well as adds/removes packages from your Pipfile as you install/uninstall packages.

With pipenv installed you can use the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files from this repository and copy it to your project. Then:

pipenv sync
pipenv shell

The pipenv shell will spawn a shell within the virtualenv with all required packages available in Python3 context. You will need to run algob within that python virtualenv context.

Using pip3Permalink

Otherwise you can use a system/user-wide pyteal installation:

pip3 install pyteal


Quick startPermalink

Check the requirements section above first._

Create a blockchainPermalink

  • Use Private Net Quick Start.
  • Or install a node in your own way.
    • Remember to set "EnableDeveloperAPI": true in the node config.json
  • Or use any of the existing network providers.

Create an algob projectPermalink

  1. Create a new yarn/npm project:

    mkdir my_new_project
    cd my_new_project
    yarn init
  2. Install algob in the project (unless you already installed it globally) and initialize the workspace.

    yarn add @algo-builder/algob
    yarn run algob init .

    The init command expects a directory where to initialize the workspace and creates sample project files there.

  3. Verify if it was installed correctly:

    yarn run algob help
  4. Update the algob.config.js file. Make sure you have access to a running Algorand node (which is a part of any network). Check Algorand instructions how to install and run it.

    • set correct host address, port and token (if you are using the private-net, then check and algob.token files in node_data/PrimaryNode/)
    • Note: If you are using private-net from infrastructure, you don’t need to update the network config because they are already configured.
    • you can define multiple networks.
    • update the account list (sample project uses a sample account which doesn’t have any ALGO, for transaction executions you need to have an active account with ALGOs). See the comments in algob.config.js for more information.
    • Note: If you follow infrastructure instructions, you don’t need to do this step as well because command will fund the master account.
  5. You don’t need to install and run Algorand Node yourself. You can connect to any network provider (eg Pure Stake).
  6. Add assets and smart-contracts in the assets directory.
  7. Add deployment scripts in scripts directory.
  8. Run yarn run algob deploy to compile and deploy everything (all scripts nested directly in /scripts).
  9. Run yarn run algob run scriptPath/scriptName to run a script. You can add JSON string as the last argument to the CLI run or deploy command. It will represent arguments provided to the script. For example, if we want to provide 2 arguments: arg1: number and arg2: string, then use the invoke the CLI with: yarn run algob run scriptPath/scriptName '{"arg1": 1, "arg2": "some string"}'
  10. To run algob on different network (by default the default network is used) use

    yarn run algob --network <other_network_name>  <command>

Creating a new project using npxPermalink

npx @algo-builder/algob init my-algob-project

This command will create a my-algob-project directory with sample project files.

Follow the previous section starting from point (3).

Adding algob to an existing projectPermalink

We don’t recommend using a global installation (eg npm install -g ...). Simply add algob as a dependency to your Node project:

  • Using Yarn: yarn add @algo-builder/algob
  • Using NPM: npm install @algo-builder/algob

Then you can add "algob": "algob" into the package.json scripts section and use it with yarn run algob.

Finally you need to create [algob.config.js]((./ file.

Installation from masterPermalink

We recommend cloning our GitHub master branch if you want to play with templates and examples (all our example smart contracts are tested against master). The master branch corresponds to the latest released version. All examples are part of the yarn workspace in the repository. So when you run yarn build in the repository root, you will be able to run algob in examples using yarn algob ... (inside the example directory).

git clone
cd algo-builder
yarn install
yarn build

If you use installation from master, don’t forget to pull the latest changes to not to miss the updates:

cd path/to/algo-builder/repository
git pull -p
yarn install
yarn build


Help prints information about top-level tasks:

algob help

Help with additional arguments prints information about a specific task:

algob help deploy


algob -h deploy

Using algob with a JavaScript projectPermalink

You can write your scripts and tests in JavaScript. If you don’t add any flag to init, then default is javascript. Example, if you follow the Create an algob project section then:

yarn run algob init <path-where-to-create> --javascript

Example on algob init with javascriptPermalink

You can use below command to initialize the javascript project in sample-project folder. If sample-project folder is not present then it will create one for you.

yarn run algob init ./sample-project --javascript

Using algob with a TypeScript projectPermalink

You can write your scripts and tests in TS. To initialize a new typescript project add --typescript to the init flag. If you don’t add any flag to init, then default is javascript. Example, if you follow the Create an algob project section then:

yarn run algob init <path-where-to-create> --typescript

Example on algob init with typescriptPermalink

You can use below command to initialize the typescript project in sample-project folder. If sample-project folder is not present then it will create one for you.

yarn run algob init ./sample-project --typescript

You can also copy our htlc-pyteal-ts example project.

Typescript projects require a transpilation to JavaScript. Then algob can execute js files. To develop in typescript, please remember these points:

  • Make sure to compile your ts project using yarn build (which runs tsc --build .) Never forget to compile files.
  • TIP: If you are actively developing, please use yarn build:watch(tsc -w -p .) to build or compile your .ts files in real time (this is recommended).
  • Transpiled js files should be present in build folder, therefore outDir in tsconfig.json should be set as:

      "outDir": "./build/scripts"

Project OverviewPermalink

After initializing a project you will have the following items:

  • assets/: Directory for assets and contracts files
  • scripts/: Directory for scripts to deploy and run your assets and contracts
  • tests/: Directory for test files for testing your assets and contracts
  • algob.config.js: Algob configuration file

You can initialize project with infrastructure/ folder by adding --infrastructure flag. It will contain scripts to setup a private network - a copy the /infrastructure directory from our repository.

algob init my-project --infrastructure

A sample-project is provided for your reference.

Further information about the sample-project can be found in sample project README file.

NOTE: a) You can put smart contracts directly in /assets directory as well as in /assets subdirectory. For example, you can store your PyTEAL files in assets/pyteal/<>. b) By default algobpy package (a helper package to pass compilation parameters to PyTEAL programs) is stored in /assets/algobpy folder. algob is looking for all .py and .teal files when loading smart contracts, except files stored in /assets/algobpy. You can use the /assets/algobpy directory to store custom Python modules and conflicts when loading TEAL smart contracts. Read more about usage of algobpy here.


algob uses local file system files to version its state. These files are called checkpoints and they save information about deployed assets/contracts. As they are checked-in into Version Control System you can use them to track the deployed state of your assets.

Read more about checkpoints.

Start CodingPermalink

  • Please start with reading Algorand reference documentation about smart contract.
  • Don’t forget to study Algorand smart contract guidelines.
  • For the beginners we suggest to look firstly at the examples/ref-templates to see how the reference templates are implemented.
  • Then go to examples/asa to learn how you can easily manage and deploy ASA with algob.
  • For a good overview on how you can create unit tests see examples/dao.
  • Check other examples as well.